Waiting on Wednesday #5: Seeker (Riders #2) by Veronica Rossi

Posted: April 5, 2017 in Waiting on Wednesday


“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine to spotlight exciting upcoming titles.

I recently had a blast listening to the audiobook of Veronica Rossi‘s Riders (review coming soon!) and immediately Seeker became one of my most highly anticipated YA releases of 2017. I fell in love with Rossi’s fantastic characters in her first ya post-apocalyptic series, the Under the Never Sky trilogy, and didn’t realize until recently that she had published another YA. Book 1, Riders, is narrated by one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse; it sounds like book II will get us into the head of the other the half of the “good guy” team: the seeker. I can’t wait!

Goodreads Description

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Veronica Rossi’s new fantasy adventure in the Rider series—Seeker .

When Daryn claimed she was seeing visions during her sophomore year of high school, no one believed the truth. She wasn’t losing her mind, she was gaining the Sight the ability to see the future. If she just paid attention to the visions, they’d provide her with clues and show her how she could help people. Really help them. Daryn embraced her role as a Seeker. The work she did was important. She saved lives.

Until Sebastian.

Sebastian was her first and worst mistake.

Since the moment she inadvertently sealed him in a dark dimension with Samrael the last surviving demon in the Kindred guilt has plagued her. Daryn knows Sebastian is alive and waiting for help. It’s up to her to rescue him. But now that she needs the Sight more than ever to guide her, the visions have stopped.

Daryn must rely on her instincts, her intelligence, and on blind faith to lead the riders who are counting on her in search of Sebastian. As they delve into a shadowy realm where nothing is as it seems and where Samrael is steadily amassing power, Daryn faces the ultimate test. Will she have to become evil to destroy evil? The very fate of humankind rests in the answer. Hardcover, 352 pages. Expected publication: May 16th 2017 by Tor Teen.

  1. Tammy says:

    I haven’t read Riders but I love the idea of the four horseman as a story. Plus, love the cover!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. TeacherofYA says:

    Yup I’m waiting on this one too!! 😂

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    • Christy Luis says:

      Yeah, I saw your review of Riders on Goodreads! I hope this one is more to your tastes, since you’re also a Rossi fan!! 😋


  3. Nathan says:

    I take it Riders is good then? Because I have a copy sitting around I never got to and could be persuaded to just dive in.

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    • Christy Luis says:

      Lol! Well, Veronica Rossi is a master of voice and character, so the narrator is probably the biggest draw: he’s a would-be army ranger with a great sense of humor and he just feels so real! Such a fun character. If that sounds like a persuasive reason to pick it up, then I think you’d really enjoy it!


  4. Amazing cover! That beautiful horse that seems to form out of smoke is mesmerizing… 🙂

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  5. Jen says:

    This is one of my top releases for this year too. I can’t wait until release day! I was shocked to hear it was in Daryn’s voice, but I bet it’s going to be fabulous.

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